This year, Mike and I decided to go green and plant a garden. What a labor of love! After carefully tending to our plants for the last few months, I'm happy to share we are finally reaping the benefits. So far we have enjoyed about 8 homegrown tomatoes, a bounty of fresh herbs, and we're anxiously awaiting our romaine lettuce, carrots, and onions to mature.
These were our first tomatoes - what is it about a homegrown tomato? There's just nothing like it; sweet, tangy, and so flavorful. We planted a few in the ground and left a few in pots, and the potted tomatoes absolutely took off. I think they are getting more sun than our garden and we've drenched them with water daily - they soak it up faster than we can pour!
I grew this oregano, as well as some chives and dill, from seeds. After a lot of TLC, the oregano is finally looking strong and healthy. I also bought basil plants, rosemary and thyme. It's amazing how much more you cook with herbs when they're right there in your back yard.
Mike still has his old truck from high school and sweet old Besse has been acting as our plant stand for the last few months. We originally had the plants on the back porch but they get much more sun in the truck and it also keeps the critters away.
I'm so proud of my first tomatoes! Aren't they gorgeous?
First tomato dinner: Tomato, fresh mozzarella and pesto sandwiches. Preheat the oven to 400, slather both sides of a fresh baguette with homemade pesto, slices of tomato and fresh mozzarella and bake for 5-8 minutes on a foil lined sheet until the cheese is melted. YUM!
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