Sunday, June 28, 2015

Y&E is Expanding!

Literally.  I'm expanding.

Mike and I couldn't be more thrilled to be welcoming a little girl to our growing family in time for Christmas. 

I can't thank my readers enough for sticking with me as my new recipe posts have become few and far between in recent months.  Unfortunately, I had next to no interest in food or cooking during my first trimester. Things i've always loved, like a perfectly cooked steak, have made me gag (*tear).  As a result, i've mostly been subsiding on mexican food, peanut butter, and carbs. Now that i'm in my second trimester and starting to feel less exhausted and more hungry, i'm hoping I can get back to the regularly scheduled program around here!  I still haven't hit that point where I feel energized and normal again, but many women have promised it's coming. 

Thank you again for reading along, and if all goes according to plan i'll be back with some pregnancy-craving worthy recipes in the very near future! 


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