Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Toffee-Apple Hand Pies

This recipe is nothing short of a Valentine's week miracle.  No, seriously. 

As I was flipping through an old issue of Cooking Light in my Next Issue app, I saw this recipe (just fyi- it is in the kid friendly section, if that gives you any indication of the level of effort required) for Toffee Apple Hand Pies.  I thought these would be so perfect to make this week for a Valentine's Day post.

Once I get an idea in my head it's really hard for me to let it go.  I had it all planned, with the exception of a heart shaped cookie cutter.  Last weekend, I searched high and low and what do you know, I could not find one anywhere!  Well, truthfully, anywhere at Mayfair, and I wasn't about to venture to Target on a Saturday.

I finally gave up on the idea, but since I already purchased the ingredients, I decided to make round hand pies.  [Here's where the miracle comes in.] As I went to reach for my biscuit cutters, a heart shaped cookie cutter literally appeared as if from nowhere.  The rest of my cookie cutters are in the garage and I only keep my biscuit cutters in my miscellaneous drawer because I use them often.  So there you have it - this recipe is from Cupid himself!

These little hand pies were absolutely delicious.  Because my cookie cutter was on the smaller size, they didn't hold much filling and really were more of a cookie in my mind than pie.  If you prefer more filling, try to find a bigger cookie cutter for larger pies.  I enjoyed the last one with coffee this morning for breakfast. Enjoy!

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